Megaboard is a tool for proprioception and strength exercises for teenagers in the recovery process after an ankle injury. It gives instructions and feedback on to the user and the the physiotherapist through a built-in video game in order to increase engagement, thus making the rehab process more effective.
Ankle Injuries represent up to 30% of all injuries treated in sports medicine clinics. A successful rehab is critical for teenagers since they have growth plates in their ankles. A poorly conducted recovery process can have life long consequences.
The Megaboard is a take on the wobbleboard that is traditionally used, with the added functionalities of strength exercising and, most importantly, an interactive interface.

The product gives instruction to the user through a video game, which is controlled through the movements of the board. The Megaboard can also give varying level of motion resistance in order to train strength. The game consists in placing the spaceship in specific locations in order to destroy planets and the way the points are counted account for the quality to which the exercises have been completed.

The companion app acts as a link between the user and the physiotherapist. They can both use it to track the recovery process and the therapist can use the data provided to remotely adjust the rehab program, without the need to schedule an appointment.
The Megaboard is meant to be lent to the user, which returns it to the treatment center when the recovery is complete.

The following images are various sketches and renders made throughout the process.